Our Success Stories
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"After a horrible forearm injury, I had swelling to nearly twice my normal size. When I was referred to a clinic with a new laser, I gave it a try. At 5:00pm I was treated, the next morning I woke up with my wrist feeling great and the swelling gone. My forearm and wrist were their normal size, or close to it. The pain was gone. Thank you CureWave!"
CureWave Laser Client

“The CureWave Laser helped me heal quicker and got me back on the field faster…The laser helped me workout at a high level and recover quicker. Not only did the laser help me stay on the field and compete at a high level, it helped in my decision process to further my career.”
Sean Lee
Retired Linebacker, Dallas Cowboys

“To date I have treated hundreds of patients, with a wide variety of conditions and found the laser to be superior in soft tissue healing, neurological conditions, and pain modification. The results greatly outperform any current lasers on the market, and the pro athletes that I work with daily have deemed it the ‘super laser.'”
Dr. J. Matthew Burnett
Clinical Director, Legacy Medical Centers

"I am 62 years old and in good condition. I had injured my knee one evening and could not put any pressure on my left leg. I was introduced to an office that had a CureWave Laser. I had 4 treatments and was back to 100%. No prescriptions, no shots, just a few short treatments and I was healed."
Anne S.
CureWave Laser Client

“Thank you CureWave Lasers. I played to hard one day and ripped something in my back. I could not even take a full breath the pain was so bad. A friend introduced me to the CureWave Lasers and in two treatments, I was golfing and running around again. WOW!”
James H.
CureWave Laser Client

"I am 76 years old and have been suffering with pain from spinal stenosis.I have had a series of shots and a number of low power laser treatment with minimal results. Recently, I have had two treatments with CureWave and the pain is gone. Thank you, CureWave."
Angelo C.
CureWave Laser Client

“I started treatment with Cure Wave and within a year and a half my back is mostly pain-free. I can operate on a normal activity level. I have also had a ripped rotator cuff in my shoulder and anytime I irritate it, I can get laser on it and within 15 seconds of getting the laser treatment, it no longer hurts. I can’t explain it well but it works! My best friend has been diagnosed with a bunch of cancerous cells on his body and the laser treatment has put every single one of them that we’ve treated into remission. His doctors can’t explain it and I make no claims of curing anything but every little bit matters to a veteran when it comes to eliminating the pain.”
Dustin L.
CureWave Laser Client

“I had a SLAP tear on my right shoulder back in 2001. I went in for surgery but the problem was never corrected. Over the years, I have lost almost complete ROM and developed sever arthritis in my shoulder. Performing normal tasks, such as throwing a football has become an impossible chore. Ever since I had your laser treatment, I have started to get my shoulder to perform tasks that I haven’t been able to do for a long time. My ROM has started to return and I feel a lot stronger in the gym! I would really recommend this treatment to anyone who has an injury that keeps them from doing normal everyday tasks.”
Johnny T.
CureWave Laser Client

"Having played 8 years in professional baseball, I had some aches and pains that I thought were permanent. Lower back, shoulder, wrist and hamstrings. A doctor friend was trying a new technology and asked if I would come in and give him my opinion. I am now a trainer and thought I had done everything short of surgery to bring my body back to its best condition. When I was treated with the CureWave Laser, I felt improvements all over my body. Better range of motion, no restrictive areas, no nagging pains. I asked my doctor if I could get treated again. I went 2 more times the next day. My 5 – 10 year pains and pulls were gone. I feel fantastic."
CureWave Laser Client

"I was out of work as a carpenter for six years because of a back injury. I tried everything the medical field threw at me with little help. I had terrible pain all the time. When I tried to lift the lightest thing my back would spasm for 3 days. I was told about a laser treatment from a friend and thought I would give it a try. I met Cheryl Haia and found her to be friendly and pleasant. After 3 treatments my pain subsided. After 5 treatments my pain began to dissapear. After 8 treatments I was back to work. I now faced the problem of rebuilding my physiqe due to inactivity for so long. I continued to go back for tune ups until my muscle tone had returned to normal. It is amazing. I have recomended laser therapy to my friends and they all have had great results. Just do it."
Ed B.
CureWave Laser Client

"A couple of years ago I had so much foot pain from plantar fasciitis from years of Zumba and kickboxing. I tried different arch supports, supports tape, insoles-nothing helped and after each class I suffered with pain for about three days.
About two years ago I heard of this healing therapy (Cure Wave) with nothing to lose I decided to try, not real confident this would do anything. I figured as long as I continued classes, I would continued to annoy my foot. I gotta say, at age 54, I am totally amazed. I only had four treatments and literally have had zero pain for two years now. I continued at the gym with the classes several times a week with no pain. I no longer use the tape, insoles – nothing!
Last year I had shoulder surgery, I had a few visits with the laser to speed up recovery – as I was having residual pain with certain movements. The laser helped here as well!"
Carolyn K.
CureWave Laser Client

During my last tour in Iraq, I jumped from a helicopter with my team. I shattered my ankle in a dozen places. When I came home, I was introduced to a exploratory cast at Mass General. The pressure cast worked great for a few months, then it made my ankle worse than the injury. After a half a dozen years of trying to improve my foot and ankle, I was told I can either live with it as is or elect to amputate. I chose to keep my foot and ankle.
My ankle and foot were chronically swollen and had zero range of motion in any direction. My brother in law asked me to try a new technology from a person he knew. They came to my house and as I sat in the chair, foot in usual elevated position, he started treating from my lower leg down to the soul of my foot. After about 10-15 minutes, he asked me to move my foot up and down. Much of the inflammation and swelling was gone and my foot was moving. I had to stand up and try to put pressure on it. After not being able to apply pressure on my toes for 6 years, I could not only apply pressure to my toes, but lean forward. The next day I was treated again for 20 minutes and my foot and ankle got better. After the treatments, I was measured and we took 4 inches off the circumference of my heel to instep and I was slowly walking.
Now a year later and I am active and walking without any assistance. Thank you CureWave Lasers.
Chuck W.
CureWave Laser Client